Monday, September 30, 2013

Canning Tomatillos

We begin buy going out into the beautiful gardens, getting our feet into the dirt, and start picking away all the ripe tomatillos. We picked a couple 5 gallon buckets, all ready to make salsa verde!

 Then, after we wash and peel them, we cut them and cook them down in low heat, making sure they don't burn at the bottom!                                                                

Those two big pots cook down to one,(after a couple of hours). Now we begin to stir the salsa for another couple of hours until its cooks down a lot more! We want it to be thick. Patience..... stir and stir..

 Once the salsa verde is done, we simply boiled our mason jars and the lids too, and the pouring begins. We carefully seal each one, and there we have it! David, the canning expert is in the back getting ready to feed the dogs.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Working for Food

Working for food,
This is food for the body, because a lot of our physical energy goes into producing, planting and harvesting, It is food for the mind, makes me imagine beyond anything else that we could ever think is possible, these are the fruits of the earth, these give us life, we give them life, we are all related. This is food for the soul. It reminds me of who we are as human beings, and in a way it awakens the ancestral memory in our DNA of what we can do while living on this earth, and what we have done many generations before us. Living of the land, it is abundant and so rewarding, to develop a relationship with plants and the food that goes into your body. This is our pick of the day from the beautiful gardens at Foreman Farm, Just to name a few, Rainbow chard, dahlias, green and purple basil, yellow squash, watermelon, heirloom tomatoes, cilantro, yellow and purple beans, Fuji apples.... Thank you mother earth.