Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Zapatos nuevos

 La luna esta creciendo cada dia mas. sera luna llena  en 3 dias. Esta hermoso aqui, en la noche se ve el cielo cubierto de estrellas, nisiquiera hace falta la luz artificial. Solo con la luz de la luna nos guiamos. Asi se siente la energia de la luna, es como una abuela, que brilla su luz hasta en las noches mas frias, y mas oscuras. Se puede esconder destras de las nubes pero siempre esta alli. 
Hoy fue otro dia en Harmony Hill, levantarse por la manana muy temprano, ir a darle de comer a los caballos. Despues  limpiar el piso, recojer frutos de los arboles....

I find myslef living this reality, it's so perfect. I feel like I couldnt ask for more. I am free.
I am alive
I remind myself to breathe
and I know that everyday is a gift
It is such a blessing just to be alive
Every breath I take
is full of life just for me to breathe
from the universe.
Ellen gave me a pair of shoes today, they are working shoes.
the tip of them is very hard and heavy. She said that way if a horse steps on me or if something heavy falls on my feet it would be fine. They are black and I just slip them on. I feel like a real working woman now. I have never owned shoes like this kind. I have been walking barefoot for the most part. But these shoes are special. They remind me of these shoes my mom used to have. I have this memory of being a little girl, and in my closet I found these black shoes with laces on them and I put my tiny girl foot inside and they were the heaviest shoes I had ever worn. I remember how hard the tip of them was. Oh yes, they were my mom's working shoes. She was an architect. Now I'm wondering what kind of work she was doing to have worn shoes like that. Now, it is me who wears the hard and heavy black shoes. They make me feel like Im walking a new path, it's solid, and grounded. The earth growing under my feet. walking on the dirt, on the dirt. 
I am free
I am alive.
Lama Cajun Spice
I now walk on the dirt with my new shoes.

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